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Mark Lang: Conor Timmis

Conor Timmis has been acting for several years, and has been featured as John Wilkes Booth in BOOTH, a short about President Lincoln's assassin. He has also played a soldier in both world wars, in A MEAN MAN'S WAR as the lead in WWI, and AN AMERICAN SOLDIER, about WWII soldiers. On the History Channel, he played the villainous Rudolf Hess in HITLER'S LOST PLAN.

Currently, he recently wrapped a documentary and short where he wrote, produced, directed, and starred in KREATING KARLOFF, a true labor of love. It's Conor's tribute to the legendary actor, Boris Karloff, who was immortalized as Frankenstein and the Mummy for Universal Studios in the 1930s. Both the short re-creations and documentary have the blessing of Sara Karloff, his daughter. It shot in mid- to late-May 2006 and the trailer is available now.

For 9:04 AM, he is playing an author/actor who comes to South Florida for a sci-fi convention, only to discover he has a fan (short for fanatical, in this case) in Billie.

Visit his official page for more information.
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